
Career Explorer

Need help choosing a career path? SSCC's Career Explorer can guide you to potential career opportunities within your program, or browse through a list of programs offered at Southern State.

Interest Profiler

This tool helps you decide what careers you want to explore.

Explore Careers

Explore careers and find the academic programs that lead to those careers.

Explore Careers

Explore Programs

Browse the SSCC programs and their related careers.

Explore SSCC Programs


Put your military skills and experience to work in civilian life. Learn how at:

Resume Builder

Build your resume in just three simple steps at MyPerfectResume.com:

SSCC Job Board

Local job openings will be posted here as they become available.

SSCC Job Board

Disclaimer: The Interest Profiler is only intended for a brief look at what your career type may be and not for making a final career decision. No career decision should ever be made on the basis of one instrument.